Ladies Tuesday Prayer Group
The Ladies Tuesday Prayer Group will resume their normal meeting schedule on January 14th.
Contact the church office or see Betty Nimmons for more info.
LifeGroups is re-launching in the new year. New groups will start on January 26th. If you are interested in bring a part of a LifeGroup, please sign up here
This is an interest sign up, individual group sign ups will come at a later date.
Men's Breakfast - 2025 Kickoff
On Saturday, January 18th at 8:30 am, the men will gather in the Ministry Center at Christian Heritage for breakfast. Come and gather with other men for a time of food and fellowwship. Pastor Ryan will talk about the calendar of events for 2025 for the Men's Ministry. Please sign up here if you would like to attend.
North Central Area Youth Rally
Students in Grades 6-12 from all over the North Central Area will gather at Harvest Ridge in the North Ridgeville for an epic Youth Rally on January 19th. Doors open at 5 PM and service starts at 5:30. There is no cost, but students can bring money to buy snacks or food from the food truck! For more information, please see Pedro or a member of the youth staff.
Nerf Wars
On January 24th, we will host a "Nerf War" night. The Royal Rangers will lead this night of fun. Please see Pastor Ryan for more information.
Big Game Party
The Men of Christian Heritage will gather on Sunday, February 9th at 6 PM to watch the "Big Game" together. Please bring a side dish or some snacks. Come and root on your team and gather with other men for a night of fellowship.