Upcoming Events

Ladies Tuesday Prayer Group

Ladies Tuesday Prayer Group

The Ladies Tuesday Prayer Group will resume their normal meeting schedule on January 14th.

Contact the church office or see Betty Nimmons for more info.

Christmas Service

Christmas Service

On Sunday, December 22nd at 10:30 am we will have our Christmas Service. The Christian Heritage Choir will join the worship teams as well as sing some special songs. We look forward to celebrate the true reason for the season with you.

Christmas Eve Service

Christmas Eve Service

On Tuesday, December 24th at 5 pm, we will have a special Christmas Eve Candlelight Service. There will be special readings and songs. Please join us as we celebrate the birth of our Savior.

Ladies Tea

Ladies Tea

The ladies will be gathering for tea, a light brunch and a wonderful message from Danielle Dickerson, OMN's Women's Ministry Director.

Please sign up here by January 5th.



LifeGroups is re-launching in the new year. New groups will start on January 26th. If you are interested in bring a part of a LifeGroup, please sign up here
This is an intrest sign up, individual group sign ups will come at a later date.